
Fractional CO2 lasers are a revolutionary technology that has become the number one procedure for patients who require facial, neck or scar rejuvenation.

The micro beam of light penetrates deep into the skin, significantly improving the scars and signs of premature aging such as the presence of wrinkles, changes in skin color and flaccidity that occurs with age.

The skin is vaporized (not burned) with absolute precision and this action sets in motion fibroblasts that defend themselves by producing collagen (natural scarring of the organism) and consequently the damaged skin is replaced with fresh, radiant and healthy skin.

In the short and long term after healing (after a month) the surface of the skin should be smoother, more luminous and more homogeneous, with a more uniform tone.
Long-term results occur during the 3 to 6 months after treatment, as the deeper layers of the skin continue to heal.


This laser is not painful but topical anesthesia (cream) is applied abundantly in all areas to be treated, ½ hour before treatment to achieve greater comfort during the session. After the session was done, we applied cold to calm the sensation of heat produced by the laser.

Although the results vary from patient to patient, between 2 and 3 sessions are advised to obtain good results. The sessions are held once a month, that is, every 30 days.